Easy to take up and down temporary fencing?


5 Years
Jun 7, 2019
Wondering if there is a good option out there for some fencing that can be easily put and taken down.
The hens usually are out for a few hours in the morning to roam, and we've had a couple who have hopped the fence from time to time, and recently have had some issues getting them back in the coop in an orderly fashion (they used to just run back in at the propsect of some treats, now a couple tend to straggle elsewhere). I'd like to just block them off from the part of the yard where they've hopped before (it happens in the same general spot it seems), or potentially create a smaller run on days where we don't have extra time to chase birds around so they can still move around a bit. Then I'd want to take it down to let the dogs run freely, cut grass, etc. It is like I want a middle ground between stakes and plastic webbing, and the expensive metal fencing you can put up that free stands, but don't see it out there. Thanks for any thoughts.
Not sure this will help, but I’ve had a similar issue and went with plastic fencing on t posts, except I don’t move the posts, I just made a gate of sorts to let them come and go when I’m ok with that. They haven’t hopped it, even tho it’s the same height as the real fence that’s further out from the coop, I think because the fencing is unstable just enough. A few have eyeballed jumping up there, but quickly gave up. The grass isn’t an issue after about a week in the fence so no need to mow.

I have seen electric type netting fencing that comes with step in stakes attached. Amazon sells some, and you don’t have to us the electricity function, but it’s expensive. I want to say one brand is called Omlet? It seems fairly temporary and moveable depending on your ground type.

As for herding the hens, look up stick method for chickens. I’ve been trying that with my stragglers who think they’re too smart to fall for the treat trick. They tend to go where herded when my arms are longer. :) Yours might too.
I have seen electric type netting fencing that comes with step in stakes attached. Amazon sells some, and you don’t have to us the electricity function, but it’s expensive. I want to say one brand is called Omlet?
Premiere1 is probably the best out there....no guarantee they won't get over it tho.
Thanks for the ideas. I realize they can hop the temporary fence too, but I figure they probably won't hop two fences. They honestly don't do it much, but my neighbor just fenced off their yard, so retrieving them is a bit tougher now.
I prefer the construction fence and T-post. I made a temp run for my meat birds, as well as a temp fence for my garden. Cheap and Easy to put up and take down at the end of season. I left the meat bird run T-post in the ground, but I removed the ones around the garden.
I think I'm trying the Ranch Coop ones. I like that they can theoretically stand without driving them into the ground, which will make it easier to take it up and down on a daily basis. Simple enough to make on your own, but I don't have the time right now. The price doesn't seem that bad considering the work that goes into them.
I use this and it’s now damaged so no electricity but my birds do not leave the area ever. Bantams and standards.
I free range a couple of hours a day.

Oh my that's hilarious I zoomed in on the Picture and Forest Hump is standing with my Speckled Sussex Pullets..:gig
Forest Hump is a Rosecomb Cockerel..
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Another option is something like Critterfence. A length of it could be 6-8 feet tall, and very easy to work with, cut, and it's constructed to stand upright and not sag like some of the other heavier 3-4 ft tall garden fence that you can buy at the big box store. You could bungee or zip tie it to an existing fence post or staple it to a wall on one end. The other end could simply use two very small bungees or even run a light stick like broom stick, chainlink fence tension rod, etc to give it structure and make it easier to operate as a gate end. It would give you flexibility.
Another option is deer netting. It is very inexpensive and pliable. It can also tear easily though. However it can run on tposts hooks but then be taken down in a snap for mowing etc once you get it connected where you want it. Just push it to the side and then put it back up when needed. It is 7 feet tall and comes in 100 feet lenght and you can cut to make a gate but it attaches differently then fencing as it isn't stiff.

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