eating fertile eggs

When you gather them up you have 2 choice when you have a rooster, eat the eggs or incubate them Me At this point choose to eat the eggs (Got enough chickens so no need for chicks yet).
Now if people think that is wrong then so be I am wrong but what do you think about eating the full grown chicken your eating the chicks mom and the diff is??????
We eat our fertile eggs and it doesn't bother me because nothing is forming . I think our eggs are much better than store bought or the ones we eat out.
Fertile eggs DO have embryos in them but they do not resemble anything that looks like a chick at that point. Incubation begins while the egg is forming inside the hen so there is a microscopic embryo. Development stops and resumes again once incubation begins outside the hen. It looks something like this. That is why the embryonic disc is larger on fertilized eggs than on unfertilized.
Very cool! Thanks for sharing!

We have a rooster and it is silly to me that anyone would have an actual issue with eating a fertilized egg that has not been incubated in any way. Unless you know what to look for most people cannot even tell the difference between a fertile and non fertile egg.
Hear! Hear!
I've never understood this either....all this soft-hearted animal lovin' angst over someone eating their own chickens but never a thought for all the caged, cannibalized, never see sunlight, medicated chickens going down their own gullet.

How is this justified in their minds? They always say the same thing, "Well, that's different...I didn't raise those chickens!" A chicken is a chicken is a chicken...whether it is mine or Puritan Pride's, it is an animal. If you are going to take a stand on animal rights, at least be true to your principles and eat no meat at all. For that matter, in light of industrialized farming practices, one wouldn't eat commercially raised dairy or veggies either. Those commercially raised veggies are fertilized by chicken litter from industrial farmed chickens.

I eat my fertile eggs.....and my chickens.
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My DH says, fertile eggs are better for you. No, I have not researched this to find out if he is indeed right. I figured it would be best to believe he is correct. Can you guess whose Idea It was to have chickens? Yep, It was mine. LOL!
I figured he already called me the Bird Lady, chickens are birds, right. At least he hasn't added a Crazy in front of Bird Lady,..........................YET!
I suppose It's only a matter of time; especially if I keep hanging out here (BYC) with you all. He He!
THis one i dont understand. I can only drink 1% milk. No more than one glass a day or it bothers my stomach. It is the same thing with eggs. But i have notice that if i eat a egg from the groceries store,It bothers my stomach. But i eat my own eggs it dosnt. At first i thought it was all in my head. But i do know now that it is true. But i cant see the difference. It still is a question.
I have a slight qualm in that I am ovo-lactovegetarian BUT have 4 whopping cockerels and doubt that many eggs that I have manage to escape fertilisation. I DO eat our eggs but wonder if I am exhibiting double standards. I don't eat the birds, of course, but accept that the cockerels who cannot be rehomed will have to be culled.
My chickens live what I consider to be a great life, free range, unclipped, safe overnight housing, plenty of company and vet. attention whenever needed (very infrequently).
The one cockerel that was eaten by human friends was deemed to have the best flavour they had ever tasted and the flesh was very game-like, dark and with very little subcutaneous I would imagine a healthy bird should look (Weighed 9lbs, too!),
I was asked at the Farmers Market the other day if the eggs i was selling were fertile. She said that fertile eggs are healthier for you... She asked what i believed... Told her ive read a few papers on it but nothing concrete. What your opinion on this? One of my coops has a rooster the other does not.

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