Eating Fertilized Eggs and Vegetarianism

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The blood spot in the eggs I have also had happen in unfertilized eggs. I found out last week from the vet at school that the blood spot is created when a blood vessel ruptures during egg formation. It doesn't have anything to do with fertilized or unfertilized eggs.
I just love learning something new all the time on this site. Thank you Barb K.
IMHO, this whole thing doesn't make any sense.

If you get eggs from your chickens, and have every intent of eating them and no intent of hatching them, what does it matter whether they're fertile or not? They're never going to become a chick, not because whether or not they are fertile, but because you are going to eat them and not hatch them.
Here's my simple remedy. Get the hens and roo and separate the roo until you either find a good home for him or decide to hatch chicks. I don't have a problem with people being vegetarians or vegans, that's a personal decision and I respect people for it. It just is not a problem for me. I like meat. I have had so many chickens get taken by predators or die for some other reason I have just had to accept that death is part of life. I don't mistreat my animals, but they are here for my purpose.
gina'smarans :

Here's my simple remedy. Get the hens and roo and separate the roo until you either find a good home for him or decide to hatch chicks. I don't have a problem with people being vegetarians or vegans, that's a personal decision and I respect people for it. It just is not a problem for me. I like meat. I have had so many chickens get taken by predators or die for some other reason I have just had to accept that death is part of life. I don't mistreat my animals, but they are here for my purpose.

Well.........ovo lacto vegetarian.
I have not eaten meat for a month......
Now I know what I ovo lacto

What do vegans do about breads, cakes, etc. that usually have eggs in them???
The proper term really is Lacto-ovo vegetarian. Sorry, showing my picky retentive side....

The blood spot will eventually disappear by the way, so use older eggs if this is going to be an issue - like when making devilled eggs (being older will also make them easier to peel).
huh so I'm also a bit squimish (sp?) about eating fertilized eggs and for this reason I ordered sexed chicks. The stuff that everyone is saying helps, but how do you know a fertilized egg from a nonfertile egg? How long does a egg take to start developing.
My daughter is a vegetarian and a college student studying to be a registered dietician. She has always loved deviled eggs and egg & olive sandwiches. It's one of the few protiens I can get her to eat when she comes home. She knows full well that my eggs are fertilized. Ever since I told them not to eat the d'uccle eggs because I was hatching them....
She put a magnet on my fridge of a chick that says "I am NOT a nugget." She eats eggs and bakes a lot with eggs and understands that they are not chicks unless they are incubated.
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