Eating Fertilized Eggs and Vegetarianism

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So what's the difference between eating an egg and eating seeds (sunflower, peas, corn, etc.)?

There could potentially be life there and we don't know if "plants can feel", we do know they are alive.
That's what was amazing me . . . all the people on here adjusting themselves to their childrens' ideas about what can be called dinner. I was caught up by the whole vegetarian thing in middle school for some reason, and upon hearing it my mother told me I could be whatever I wanted when I was the one buying groceries, so eat the dang pork chop.

I know my mother's solution to your problem would be to tell me if I didn't want fertilized eggs, I need to get together the stuff to help her butcher the rooster. When faced with a choice like that it might put things in perspective.
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Hi! I'm a vegetarian. We have 13 hens and 1 roo. He's a bantam, so he only seems to have luck with our bantam hens. It's pretty dang funny to watch him try to "get" a big girl. They just shake him off. Anyway, I do get a little funny feeling opening up a bantam egg. I check our nesting boxes like 6 times a day, so nothing has too much time to sit there. They go in the fridge right away. I agree with those who said they have the potential to be chicks, but we just don't give them the right conditions from the get-go. I'd so much rather eat a fertile egg from one of our super spoiled and happy girls than a possibly sterile egg from somewhere else. Also, she might want to think twice about the milk thing if she's really into animal treatment. Vanilla Soymilk is super yummy! Good luck!
Wow the powerful emotions of this board never crse to floor everyone here is great! I love to live or read and learn.

I have an option thou not on the eggs
Today it is a very popular thing for teens and preteens to want to be vegetarians or vegans. More power to them the only thing I have to say is as a holistic health practitioner is they need to see someone to help make sure they have a good safe healthy diet. I have seen some very poor choices!
And I will jump a little bit on my soap box about milk. IT IS BAD FOR YOU! As humans we are not meant to consume dairy. Ok done.
If she will not eat the eggs she will be fine.
That's what was amazing me . . . all the people on here adjusting themselves to their childrens' ideas about what can be called dinner. I was caught up by the whole vegetarian thing in middle school for some reason, and upon hearing it my mother told me I could be whatever I wanted when I was the one buying groceries, so eat the dang pork chop.

I know my mother's solution to your problem would be to tell me if I didn't want fertilized eggs, I need to get together the stuff to help her butcher the rooster. When faced with a choice like that it might put things in perspective.

I couldn't have said it better! Genie
OMG I couldnt agree more bovine milk is for BOVINES.... but do any of us know humans who would hook up to a breast pump twice a day to provide the family with milk? I sure wouldnt want that flippin job...

if ya want to get techincal about the vegan thing they shouldnt even be driving as most roads are made with animal by products...

I just want to know what veggies ever did to these vegan people that they HATE them so much?

BTW Organic deffinetly does not mean humane.... I have seen some of these SO CALLED organic farms.... YUCK
OMG I couldnt agree more bovine milk is for BOVINES.... but do any of us know humans who would hook up to a breast pump twice a day to provide the family with milk? I sure wouldnt want that flippin job...

if ya want to get techincal about the vegan thing they shouldnt even be driving as most roads are made with animal by products...

I just want to know what veggies ever did to these vegan people that they HATE them so much?

BTW Organic deffinetly does not mean humane.... I have seen some of these SO CALLED organic farms.... YUCK

You said! 70% of what I buy is local from small farms that I know! I grow my own little garden!
I dont eat meat and I dont drink milk. though I love an ice cold glass of Goat milk , but the after effect is horrid.
I believe someone else on this board has the same issue I do with meats, the pain is unbearable.
Vegitarinism isnt a choice for me but a necessity if I want to not walk in a bent over position.

Do I feel healthier because of this, no actually I do not.
Vitiamins added to the diet, ok well I might just as well go consume a 2 ounce steak , same pain.
As for children dictating what is grown, raised fed for dinner huh , um no that isnt about to happen.
There is far to much chatter about where food really comes from.

As for Veganism, I tell them to go chew air, everything and I do mean everything they eat was once a living thing. get off the high horse of food having faces, plants have faces, potatoes have eyes , need I go on?

Years ago we raised our own pigs, My oldest had a friend over one night for dinner, while being used to store bought meats I never said a word, after all she was a guest not a family member.
After dinner and her asking where we bought such great tasting meat.
I calmly looked at her and said from the barn, I dont buy meats. She proceeded to go all green in the face and started the little girlie squealing etc, then had to admit it was the best she had ever had. She even asked when we were going to have pork chops again as she would love to come for dinner.

Meat eaters vs plant eaters has been a life long battle , one I chose not to partipate in.
Just because I cant eat meats and m ilk does not mean I dont sit there and drool over that perfectly broiled steak everyone else is eating.
If you want to lose the rooster that is your choice. However, I was raised with 'you eat what is put on the tabel or go without'.

If she wants non fertile eggs, I would have her buy them with her own money and cook them herself when she wants them.
I don't get where many of you think the OP's daughter is dictating what's for dinner? She said what she would and would not eat, not that the daughter decided what's for meals. No different than having any other food preference IMO.
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