eating poop

Actually, some dogs eat dog poop for other reasons rather than a deficiency in their diet. I adopted a dog that was extremely neglected (left in a basement, tied to a post to die). All he had to eat was his own poop. It's now a habit. We discourage him all the time, and supervise ALL his outdoor time, we've tried all sorts of supplements, and nothing has worked. Good thing he's the sweetest dog we've ever owned!


That is just so sad!! That owner should get the same treatment.....​
I have found it to more of a territorial behavior. Spring must be coming??? ha ha
My peacocks do it and a lot of roos will too. Not really thier own, but everyone elses poo. It is quite disgusting, but animals do the weirdest things, only for good reasons. Maybe offer a tic tac before you pick them up??


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