Eating worms?


[IMG]emojione/assets/png/2665.png?v=2.2.7[/IMG] Si
11 Years
Mar 23, 2008
Waco, Texas
My chicks are 4 and 5 days old. I have a huge garden in the back and there are tons of worms out there. I was thinking about going and getting a few and putting them in the box to let me eat. Is it too soon? When should I let them eat worms?
If you are planning to feed the anything but chick feed, make sure they have access to grit.
Then you can go for it!
Aahhh, that makes sense, but I would still provide grit.

Some say chick feed has grit, and assuming that is true, grit is still recommended for other foods. (Maybe because the grit never makes it to the crop?)

The worms may be okay without grit, but what can it hurt to provide it anyway?
I used to raise composting worms (redworms). Worms have gizzards too, although on a much smaller scale. And, yes, they are FULL of worm-size grit. Chick size grit would be a good idea I think.
I've given the chicks a few small worms and they go absolutly crazy! When they figure out what it is, they'll pick one up and run around
with it in their mouths. Then the other 5 will chase her around trying to steal it. It is very funny to watch.

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