eating your pet open discussion

We have had dogs, Snoopy, Chris, Bandit, and Ready. Also had rabbits, Dirty Harry, and Cloud....had to have them humanely euthanized at the vets. Of course there were tears, last goodbyes, and for two of them, Snoopy and Ready, I was by their side when they were put down. My daughter was at the vets when her beloved bunny, Cloud, which we got when we visited my Dad in Chico (free bunny) and spent his days with her when she was in college at Chico State, but she couldn't be there when he was euthanized at eight years old. When you have a pet that has lived a good life, but the last days are a struggle, and they are in pain, and suffering, a man, or woman, has to step up and do what must be done...there will be feelings of guilt, that you didn't do enough when they were alive, didn't care enough, didn't hug enough...but time heals all wounds.
We have had dogs, Snoopy, Chris, Bandit, and Ready. Also had rabbits, Dirty Harry, and Cloud....had to have them humanely euthanized at the vets. Of course there were tears, last goodbyes, and for two of them, Snoopy and Ready, I was by their side when they were put down. My daughter was at the vets when her beloved bunny, Cloud, which we got when we visited my Dad in Chico (free bunny) and spent his days with her when she was in college at Chico State, but she couldn't be there when he was euthanized at eight years old. When you have a pet that has lived a good life, but the last days are a struggle, and they are in pain, and suffering, a man, or woman, has to step up and do what must be done...there will be feelings of guilt, that you didn't do enough when they were alive, didn't care enough, didn't hug enough...but time heals all wounds.

that has made me really emotional
My family isn't butchering a bunch at one time, we are just going to kill one of my older laying hens every time we want chicken
Just for the record, I've had chickens for 7 years, and just processed my first two weeks ago. It's ok, though, because I named him Smokey
The one we butchered didn't have a name... He was just called the mutt.
we might have to do another one, but she's called salt, so that's not too bad.
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