Eavesdropping? (pic)


life in the yard
9 Years
Mar 18, 2010
stamford, ct
My first chickens were hatchery birds, and I'm really fond of them. They're friendly, they lay well, they make me happy. Except for one, a Wellie who has never laid an egg (she's almost a year old), wants nothing to do with me, and as you might suspect she isn't a shining example of her breed in the looks department. Well, this year I've decided to start hatching my own eggs so that I can really choose what I want and know where they're coming from (for the most part). Last week my daughter was visiting and was out in the coop with me, and I was telling her about the Wellie. I said I was either going to rehome her, or send her to camp. THAT AFTERNOON she squatted, and two days later she laid an egg. Coincidence? I think not.
When I called my daughter to tell her she said it was kind of a creepy "Animal Farm" thing.
Whatever - Wellie gets to stay.

Top left, doesn't it look like she shined it up just to make a good impression?
Can you have her talk to my 9month old Wellie? She did actually run up to me this morning for a squat scratch so maybe egg songs are in her near future. Now the 9month old cochins are really in trouble, they take turns sitting on the ee eggs. We are having to get pretty aggressive to get those eggs.
I have two Wellies from a hatchery. They are sooo noisey, get into everything, mind everyone else's business, do the egg song when every hen lays an egg ---- and every single day I wish I didn't have them until they lay their eggs. I'm such a sucker for their beautiful speckled egg!
She needs to have a chat with my 9 month old B.B. I think BB has eavesdropped and discovered how I said she was my sweetheart and I wouldn't cull her for not laying eggs. So now she's lazy.
That's a beautiful wellie egg! Congrats! Now I want to see the girl that laid it. Don't be afraid, I have a nonstandard wellie in my layer flock, and of course, she lays the darkest egg!
I looked for a recent pic of her and couldn't find one. Here's one from early last summer, I think she was around 4 months old (I can narrow it down because they hadn't even destroyed the grass in the run yet


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