ebay coop...suggestions?

I used to keep silkies in a dog kennel pen too. It is wise to line the chainlink along the bottom vertical part with some chicken wire or hardware cloth as an owl reached in and grabbed one of my marans chicks I had in there with my silkies. Raccoons will grab too.

Also an apron out or burial of hardware cloth is good also unless you are making it mobile (and overhead protection is good also).
Take a look at this Amazon link to the book Backyard Chickens Guide to Coops and Tractors. It features numerous coops from this website along with a detailed drawing and narrative of how the coop is built. You could pick a coop from the book and then show it to a handyman to build.

Or you can order plans online for the The Garden Coop. It's a great coop and the plans are well done. A handyman (or you) could easily build it. On all of these you can save money buy using recycled materials or just looking for bargains.

Good luck!



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