Edit: 5 1/2 week old pics(pg4)Barred Rock "baby"

This is Annie having a nap, she was a few weeks older than your Baby is now x
Keep an eye out for pointy saddle feathers growing, pullets will have rounded feathers, roosters are pointy.

Fingers crossed!!! X
I heard the opposite....darker means pullet? Unless...if yours is a black sex-link (hybrid/mix)....then it could be a cockerel (boy).
not that I know.. and I heard darker as well but she doesn't have a companion so it's kinda hard to tell.. so I guess I will be calling it a she until we know for sure.. lol

This is Annie having a nap, she was a few weeks older than your Baby is now x
Keep an eye out for pointy saddle feathers growing, pullets will have rounded feathers, roosters are pointy.

Fingers crossed!!! X
Too cute! Thank you for sharing! Will do! So far I think I have a bunch of roos in my 5 (wide crown and huge legs) so my fingers are totally crossed or I might just end up with a roo pen and no eggs! lol
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I have heard that darker feathers mean boy but u cant tell until there older by just looking at them, post a pic of its wing spread and then you can tell
She is super shy (or she comes off as.. once you get her on your lap she is totally relaxed.. lol) and my camera isn't fast enough to catch her in flight.. I will have to keep trying but for now she says "nope" lol
Hope she is a she.
cause she looks just like my Lisette!
Fingers crossed for us both! They do look the same!
What a pretty pullet. You ll love the br breed.
Oh I am SOO happy you think that! Was really starting to get scared that I had 5 roos!! She is actually my 3yr olds...and he adores here but we all totally LOVE her! However, she is soo shy! Once she gets on your lap, she won't leave but getting her there is another story.. so unlike the others! Is this just the breed?
Once she starts laying it ll be different. Every time you feed or bring treats try calling chicky chicky chick or whatever you want and they'll start running when then they hear that as they get older. Thanks to foxes I only have 2 br roos and no hens till next year but they are the gentlest roos and the best guards of the property. Let me knowwhen anything is there that shouldn't be always treated the ladies and chicks good. Imo I would reccomend and have on several occasions this breed to anyone. My hens were very good layers and broodies also.

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