EDIT: Brand New, Getting 6 Pullets in TWO WEEKS. -cries-

Do you want chickens that lay white eggs, or are brown eggs ok for you? Rhode Island Reds are beautiful and they are good egg layers. But as to type of chickens, everyone here has their own favorite. You should get the kind you want. Sultans are a beautiful white chicken, and the chicks are sort of yellowish. They are a show-type of chicken. White Polish are also beautiful, and the chicks are yellow as well. Again they are more of a show-type of bird. Or a smaller type is a White Japanese Bantam. They are white, and the chicks are yellow. Sultans are very pretty too. They are white and have yellow chicks. They also have feathered legs and five toes. If you are looking for pets, any of the above are good.

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