Edmond Oklahoma

Also, looking to buy backyard chicken eggs. If anyone has some for sale, please let me know. Thanks.
Good luck finding good backyard eggs locally. Not that they aren't out there but I know that mine are always scooped up solely by word of mouth. I don't/can't advertise because I can never fill the demand I have already.

You might try asking around at a local feed store, they would be the best place to hang around and ask in my opinion or call the local county agent, he/she might know of a local 4-H kid that sells eggs.
Thanks for the info. Yes I know the problem in finding eggs. When I had my flock in Arkansas I gave my extra eggs to co-workers and friends and never had any problems with having surplus. In fact they would have taken more if my hens could have provided them.
Ginger, I might be able to help you on eggs. I don't get that many extra since like most I give them to friends. Are you in the Edmond area? I have chickens and guineas. total of 13 including a rooster and cock, and 13 yo hen (she was in the nest box this morning and has layed a few this past week. I cannot keep you supplied buy an spare a few from time to time.


ps I live east of I-35 but come into town almost everyday.
Maryann thanks. I don't use a lot of eggs but when u have a few to spare I would love to have them. Yes I live in edmomd so whenever u have any eggs let me know and we'll find a time and place that is convenient. Thanks again.
We currently have 8 chickens (don't really know much about identifying different breeds - but 2 are white Silkies) and 8 guinea fowl.

We bought them in the winter (probably Feb.) and all are doing pretty well. We are in Edmond City limits so our birds are illegal, but all the neighbors love them. We have a coop (from Sam's), but they roam free during the day. They travel to at least 4 other neighbor's yards even though we are all on 2-2.5 acres. All of our neighbors have grandchildren who just love to come visit and hand feed the hens.

The guineas are a real hit too. They patrol the same 4-5 yards and car stop most every day to take pics of the flock as they cross the road or roam near the side of the road. They must be doing their job as we haven't found any ticks yet and they've taken care of several baby snakes.

We've even had 4-5 neighbors we've never met before come over to inquire about the chickens and guineas and ask about getting some of their own.

We get 4-7 eggs per day from our hens so far. We occasionally stumble upon a guinea nest. When we do, we mark the existing eggs, because we don't know how long they've been there, and then collect any new ones that appear.

We made a few rookie mistakes in the beginning.... like using cedar shavings in the coop. We've switched to straw.

The hens are now used to us coming outside in the evenings with a bowl of fruit and or oatmeal to feed them a snack before they turn in for the night. They come running from as far as a block away when they see us and that bowl or the yellow lid from our mealworm bucket.

Neighbors are always texting wanting to know the fowl count for the day. For awhile we'd lose a guinea here and there and up to 3-4 in a weekend. But, we've been holding strong 8 for a couple of months now. The fox and coyote either gave up or met their demise.

I was always skeptical about owning fowl in a neighborhood, but honestly, I wish I could invite my city leaders out to see how it works and talk to my neighbors and see the smiles on the kids faces when they venture over to feed them. Not to mention the glee they and their parents get from fresh eggs....

Edmond really needs to allow chickens on some scale (coop'd on smaller traditional lots and free range on 2+ acre lots). As for guinea fowl - personally, I think every neighborhood should have them. Fun to watch and a great chemical free way to take care of many lawn issues like ticks, spiders, snakes, weed seeds, etc.
Some here may disagree, but I find a good source for fresh eggs is Mary's Swap Meet. Before our hens started laying regular we would buy our eggs by the dozen there for $2. Great price and they were always fresh (laid that week).

Now that ours lay regular, we always seems to have plenty enough to share.

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