I would do that, but it's also getting crowded. The CCL are a week older than the other 15, so it's about time they went out. It's not getting cold enough at night for me to worry about kicking them out too soon. More like not soon enough! :lol:
I could take your rain then. :clapI don't think there's duties or tariffs on rain. :D
I could take your rain then. :clapI don't think there's duties or tariffs on rain. :D
How long does it take to hatch? Should I help it? I have to go to TSC and get some stuff for it. I'm afraid to leave it alone. What if she kills it? :hit
Leave it be. Hands off entirely. It can take several hours from pip to zip to hatch. It doesn't need help at this point. It just needs the hen to continue to sit on it. She provides enough room for the chick to do its thing.
It could take all day. It could hatch in 2 minutes. Very hard to say. If she's sitting on it and protecting the nest...chances are she'll be fine. I've only had one broody peck a chick and she was an EE. The Silkies, OEGB and crosses have been terrific moms.
What breed is she? Can others access where she is? It's usually others that are more suspect in killing a chick.

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