If you mean CANADA ;)...Oh yeah, I caught's too bright....too sunny and it's going to be WAY too hot.:barnie

Right now it's lovely except for that darn sun. Where's my dark, cold days???:barnie

How are you this morning fine sir?:pop
I'm in pretty good shape, for the shape I'm in. Round is a shape, after all.
Looks like it's going to rain for most of the day. I need to get that pen finished for the grow outs. :barnie I also need to kick out the chicks in the house. It's no fun to find one of my CCL boys wandering around the house. They both do it and set the dogs off. :he The shipped chicks aren't as well feathered and they've taught them how to get out. I'm glad my brooder is a box on the floor or I'd have some hurt chicks.

Speaking of, what are the chances of lacing expressing itself as barring in a chick? I'm still thinking it's an Andalusian, but it should be laced and not barred. It's showing as blue and white barring. I haven't taken any new pics of them, but I can try to get one later when I (hopefully) move them.
Looks like it's going to rain for most of the day. I need to get that pen finished for the grow outs. :barnie I also need to kick out the chicks in the house. It's no fun to find one of my CCL boys wandering around the house. They both do it and set the dogs off. :he The shipped chicks aren't as well feathered and they've taught them how to get out. I'm glad my brooder is a box on the floor or I'd have some hurt chicks.

Speaking of, what are the chances of lacing expressing itself as barring in a chick? I'm still thinking it's an Andalusian, but it should be laced and not barred. It's showing as blue and white barring. I haven't taken any new pics of them, but I can try to get one later when I (hopefully) move them.
Morning!!! :frow
Can stiff wire be put over the brooder? That 1x2 stuff? Just thinking out loud here. I've got my Barred Rock pullet who has to go into a kennel come H or high water today. She's been jumping out since last week and I don't want her jumping into the new hatchlings.

Lacing and barring....I'm not sure. I wouldn't think so. But hey, I'm still learning colors and breeds. :oops: :lau
Morning!!! :frow
Can stiff wire be put over the brooder? That 1x2 stuff? Just thinking out loud here. I've got my Barred Rock pullet who has to go into a kennel come H or high water today. She's been jumping out since last week and I don't want her jumping into the new hatchlings.

Lacing and barring....I'm not sure. I wouldn't think so. But hey, I'm still learning colors and breeds. :oops: :lau
I would do that, but it's also getting crowded. The CCL are a week older than the other 15, so it's about time they went out. It's not getting cold enough at night for me to worry about kicking them out too soon. More like not soon enough! :lol:
Well, I'd get detention if I said it, so Wicked is fine :lau

Oh, not too cool.... I didn't have to pull more than a jacket out this morning. :bun

I like you.
Wicked's probably one of the nicer names I've been called. :eek:

Supposed to get to 30 or so today. (That's 86 Fahrenheit) for those of the Fahrenheit persuasion.

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