Glad I caught you. Ya doin' alright?
Sure am, just busier than a dog with two tails to chase. This past week, I've been using my spare time in the evenings to put up an 800 square ft quail run, build them a new nighttime pen, and rejigger all their other pens. I found a wasp nest in one unused structure that I have to get rid of before I get stung. I just got inside from processing some of the CX I got this spring; the others aren't quite big enough yet. I still have to move the goat fence and trim their feet, so I'm going to be disappearing again.

Incubating-wise, I had a quail chick hatch today, and a Buff Chantecler hatch under a broody. I have 18 Button quail eggs on about day 10. That reminds me, I need to get hardware cloth for their future 'apartment complex' ASAP...
Sure am, just busier than a dog with two tails to chase. This past week, I've been using my spare time in the evenings to put up an 800 square ft quail run, build them a new nighttime pen, and rejigger all their other pens. I found a wasp nest in one unused structure that I have to get rid of before I get stung. I just got inside from processing some of the CX I got this spring; the others aren't quite big enough yet. I still have to move the goat fence and trim their feet, so I'm going to be disappearing again.

Incubating-wise, I had a quail chick hatch today, and a Buff Chantecler hatch under a broody. I have 18 Button quail eggs on about day 10. That reminds me, I need to get hardware cloth for their future 'apartment complex' ASAP...

Busy girl! hugs
Got my soaps today from Sally! :bun :clap Wow, nice sized bars, and they smell wonderful. Pretty too. :). We Have, or had a a store here in town, not sure they are still there because I didn't go back. They had bushels full of soap! Too much..they weren't selling them fast enough. Mine smelled old. Make sense? I thought they did in the store, just thought maybe once I used it, it would smell better being used. Silly me. I knew Sally's would smell good.. Ok, so where have you decided to sell your soap Sally? No Etsy, Yes eBay? I've ordered from Etsy, not my favorite place to order from. I do a lot of online orders.
So I'm hogging up the's my turn. Ha..check out what we saw on the street today. Went for a drive in my old romping grounds as a young one. Called The River Bottoms. So much has changed, so it was good to see some hay fields and corn fields still there, and this.....
So I'm hogging up the's my turn. Ha..check out what we saw on the street today. Went for a drive in my old romping grounds as a young one. Called The River Bottoms. So much has changed, so it was good to see some hay fields and corn fields still there, and this..... View attachment 1856543 View attachment 1856547
Traffic jam. Lol
I’ve got one somewhere of the neighbors cows out for a stroll down the road.

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