EE, Ameraucanas, Araucana, mutts--my rant.

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Does she breed true?


Only has to 50% of the time....go back and read your breeders club guidelines or request the standard from the APA.... David Anderson at the APA is a nice guy and always willing to answer emails. If I was showing her it wouldn't matter if she bred true or not....she would be being graded on her apearance only...

Very few Araucana or Ameraucan breed true. Araucanas never breed true in the tuft dept 100% of the time....The genetcs around it make that not possible.... you will get clean face, single sidded tufts, a few douple tufts and dead chicks....

The point that the purests on here miss contantly is that the traits that the two breeds where developed from come from hatchery stock chicks.... With enough hatchery chicks and through selective breeding either breed can be re-developed from hatchery stock.....
pips&peeps :

Let's see a picture of this silver easter egger.....

ditto, one has yet to be provided.....
I for one would love to see this pic since silver isn't even that common
. I have found some people like to troll and stir the pot....​

Does she breed true?


Only has to 50% of the time....go back and read your breeders club guidelines or request the standard from the APA.... David Anderson at the APA is a nice guy and always willing to answer emails. If I was showing her it wouldn't matter if she bred true or not....she would be being graded on her apearance only...

Very few Araucana or Ameraucan breed true. Araucanas never breed true in the tuft dept 100% of the time....The genetcs around it make that not possible.... you will get clean face, single sidded tufts, a few douple tufts and dead chicks....

The point that the purests on here miss contantly is that the traits that the two breeds where developed from come from hatchery stock chicks.... With enough hatchery chicks and through selective breeding either breed can be re-developed from hatchery stock.....

umm, no the originals did NOT come from hatchery stock and ameraucana do breed true...
Where do you think they came from? They where developed here and not imported.... read up on their will find that they were developed when the APA rejected tailed, bearded birds from the Araucana standard......

This is the only picture I have of her right now.... I also have a 7 week old from meyer that has potental to be a blue wheaten pullet.
although she is pretty, she is not the same color as the silver ameraucana. I will get a pic of my girl later. They were developed by breeders, not hatcheries. They were developed by breeders working on araucana.
here, read the history
I know what they look like, they are mostly brown bodied with a salmon tint to their chest and the only silver is their head. I have 3 and one is/was a house chicken due to injury. I wasn't referring to anything else but color and the leg color is wrong. Why don't you just accept that you have a beautiful EE, there is nothing wrong with that. You always get defensive and there is no need, really. There is nothing gained by fighting about it. If you want some true ameraucana just get some eggs. I just feel all this butting heads is getting nowhere.
I want two blue/splash ameraucana chicks but you cannot get them from the hatchery so you have to get them sent from a breeder and noone will send me 2 chicks so I have to just hope that I get an EE to lay me a blue egg.

I thought about and am still thinking about getting an incubator but are the eggs scrambled or broken by the time you get them? I think I can get eggs sent but they are out in WA and I am in Ohio.
I would love to also have 2 welsummer pullets. If noone can send me the chicks how many eggs should I get to make sure I have at least 2 of each breed? Im kinda scared of the incubator thing:/

Whats a girl to do? What would you guys do if you wanted those 2 breeds?
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I hesitate to post in these threads because I just do not understand why people get so darn upset when they are told the facts about the breed of chicken that they have. The pullet in the above picture is not a Silver Ameraucana. She is a beautiful Easter Egger and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. Saying you have an Easter Egger is not an insult, just a simple statement of fact. I have both true Ameraucanas from a breeder as well as a couple of Easter Eggers. All are fabulous birds, but I am not fooling myself that I can call my June, who came from a breeder working on perfecting a new color, anything except an EE. She's beautiful, obviously has some Blue Wheaten somewhere in her background, and lays the largest eggs of all my blue/green egg layers.
The real issue is when people sell eggs from their birds and advertise them as Ameraucanas when they do not qualify as such. This is where the buyer must do his/her research and ask to see photos of the parent stock, but often they rely on the honesty of the person who is providing the eggs/chicks.
I think that part of the problem probably comes from being told that they have a "mutt." Regardless of what some people might feel, the word "mutt" is an emotionally charged and critical word that comes across as an insult to a lot of other people. I think that some of the hurt could be avoided if they could be told that their birds are "Easter Eggers" or "Ameraucana mixes," or even "mixed breed blue egg producers."

Is all of this semantics? Sure it is--but there's nothing wrong with being cognizant of and respectful of other people's feelings. I cringe every time I see the word "mutt" thrown around in connection with other people's birds. In my opinion, there's nothing wrong with calling your own bird a mutt, but making that kind of judgment call on another person's birds is a bit hurtful. I'm one of the least politically correct people in the world and see nothing wrong with calling things by their proper name, but I dislike seeing people using emotionally charged language when other perfectly accurate descriptors are appropriate and available.

Just my two cents; take it for what it's worth.
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