EE and Barred Rock Laying age


In the Brooder
6 Years
Aug 30, 2013
Yakima, WA
I have three EE's and 3 Barred rock and I am trying to figure out when they will start laying I don't expect it to be for quite a while since they are still very young. I was just wondering around how old they start laying. That is if they do turn out to be pullets!
Also if anyone has any special tips for these kinds of chickens that would be great! I'm still not sure what to expect in their personality when these chicks get older. If I got two Silkies do you think that the EE's and Barred Rocks would pick on them?

I am new to Having chickens and still have A LOT of questions!
I have three EE's and 3 Barred rock and I am trying to figure out when they will start laying I don't expect it to be for quite a while since they are still very young. I was just wondering around how old they start laying. That is if they do turn out to be pullets!
Also if anyone has any special tips for these kinds of chickens that would be great! I'm still not sure what to expect in their personality when these chicks get older. If I got two Silkies do you think that the EE's and Barred Rocks would pick on them?

I am new to Having chickens and still have A LOT of questions!

With six chickens, there is a very good chance at least some of them are pullets.

Pullets start laying on average around 22 weeks old.

A Silkie is almost always on the bottom of the pecking order. And there is more chance that the Silkie will get picked on since you did not raise the Silkie with your other chickens.

How old are your chickens?
We have 17 week old baared rocks, easter eggers, and australorps. No eggs yet, but the barred rocks and australorps seem to be maturing faster than the ees. As far as personality, the barred rocks are very friendly and curious about everything. The easter eggers, some are friendly, a few are kind of standoffish, and two are real touch me nots. They are all friendlier than our 11 week old brown leghorns. Those girls are nuts!
We have 17 week old baared rocks, easter eggers, and australorps. No eggs yet, but the barred rocks and australorps seem to be maturing faster than the ees. As far as personality, the barred rocks are very friendly and curious about everything. The easter eggers, some are friendly, a few are kind of standoffish, and two are real touch me nots. They are all friendlier than our 11 week old brown leghorns. Those girls are nuts!

I think Easter Eggers mature a little later. I do not know much about Easter Eggers.

Your Brown Leghorns are meant to be flighty. It helps them stay away from predators. And the Brown Leghorns should lay more eggs than any of the other breeds you have.

But Barred Rocks and Australorps are very good egg-layers.
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With six chickens, there is a very good chance at least some of them are pullets.

Pullets start laying on average around 22 weeks old.

A Silkie is almost always on the bottom of the pecking order. And there is more chance that the Silkie will get picked on since you did not raise the Silkie with your other chickens.

How old are your chickens?
They are only a week and a half old I am just very excited about the whole thing and figure I should ask my questions early!
And now I am wondering what other kind of chicks would be a good fit with the EE's and Barred rocks I don't want any to get picked on!
Oh, I see. I thought you had posted that other post.

I think you can have any breed of chicken with them, but it is best when they are about the same age. So I would suggest getting them now to put with the chicks you already have.
Okay I just didn't want any of them to be picked on by the others. I got 4 chicks at first and then added two more and the 4 accepted the other two rather quickly but I wasn't sure if it was just because they were all the same breeds that they were already with or not. Thank you!

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