EE assumption wrong???


11 Years
Mar 10, 2011
I assumed that because EEs lay colored eggs that they would have red ear lobes....but my EE hen is 14 weeks old and her lobes are turning a pearly white, not red, like I assumed they would...She has a pea comb and typical beard and muffs...So tell me, what color ear lobes are Easter eggers lobes??? LOL!
Easter Eggers are just Ameraucanas with unwanted qualities from what I understand. They are a cross between the Auraucana and the Ameraucana, but do not fit either breed's standards. I have EEs, and some of them have red ear lobes, and a few have white. i
Thats good to hear! Like I said, I just assumed they would be red, laying colored eggs....can I ask you a question then...What color eggs do your white lobed EE's lay? Or is it still a guess until they lay? hehehe
This is true but they also can be a mixed ameracauna with another breed which is why some may have red lobes and others white. ee's have been known to have blue eggs as well.
EEs can be any combination of chicken as long as they have a blue egg layer ( carries the blue egg gene) in there Ancestory so I guess any color is possible.
EE's are crossed with whatever egg color that person is looking for or just end up getting lol. Some of them are pure Ameraucana but just not true to color. Most hatchery's sell EE as ameraucana and the general population end up with chicks that arent true to breed. That only matters if you are a breeder. At that point it really doesnt matter what its crossed with

They are still chicken.

Easter Eggers can give almost any color egg in general blueish green to green. Depends on the breed crossed to. Thats what makes them appealing along with the general good nature.

And there aint nothing wrong with a good yard roo
No Lamike, there's nothing wrong with a good yard roo, but there IS something wrong with 8 of them! Staring at the hens all day like it's some sort of adult chicken club!

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