EE hen with crop full of air, what is it?

Sequoia Raven Bird Farms

Sing the song of your soul 🎶 ✨️
Sep 8, 2023
Peaceful Woods, Canada
My Coop
My Coop
Majestic had been adjusting her crop ALOT the past week but she was fine otherwise. Yesterday she wasn't very social and wasn't even interested in banana! She was closing her eyes a lot and walking slowly. She was still eating food though and drinking water. I picked her up and felt her and she had a crop full of air, it almost felt like a balloon. Today she's much better and is very full of attitude lol 😆 and I'll take it. But she still has a crop full of air. She's eating and drinking and doing normal cute things but I'm wondering what it could be that's causing it. She lost some weight too, which is odd since they always have food and healthy greens. Before these last 2 days her crop always felt like it was FULL of food. She would still eat but I was wondering why that would happen.
Any thoughts? I'm interested in what could cause it.
Are you certain it is air and not soft and puffy from fluid or sour crop? How old is the chicken? What do the droppings looking like? Have you tried to massage some of the air up and out of the crop? In case of a crop problem, here is a good article to read:
That would make sense if it is liquid. She does smell a bit lol, I thought it was because she had been eating fermented food. It seems like sour crop to me, so I'll begin treating it.
I have not tried to massage it but I will now. She's 2 now. I don't know what her poop looks like.
Thank you for your recommendation and information.
If it is sour crop full of liquid, do not massage. Only massage for air or a hard impacted crop. Massaging a liquid puffy crop might cause her to vomit and choke. Can you check the crop again first thing in the morning to see if it is emptying overnight? Monistat or miconazole cream given orally twice a day can help if it is sour crop.

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