EE pullet acting shocky

Which problem?

  • Marek's

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Cocci

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Egg binding

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Injury

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Something else

    Votes: 2 66.7%

  • Total voters


Sing Brightly
Project Manager
Premium Feather Member
8 Years
Aug 1, 2015
My Coop
My Coop
I have a young pullet that was on the feed box top when I went to close the chickens up. Originally, I thought she was dead as her neck was drooped over the edge but then she tried to stand when I came over. I picked her up and inspected her, No blood, missing feathers, toes and leg all intact and not broken, full crop but not overly so, and all my others have the same fullness too. Not egg binding either. My question is---is this really shock, if so why on earth was she down when all others were roosting and not a sign of a predator anywhere? Thee wooden box was right beneath her normal roost, and she is an early rooster.
She is shaky and her wings are almost dragging on the ground, she walks like she is drunken. Breathing is very fast. She does hold her head normal and slowly stumbles away from me and my flashlight, she has improved somewhat from when I first found her, but I don't know if that's the chicken "Don't let the scary thing see you are hurt" response. I'm hoping I don't go out and find a dead chicken in the morning.
Thanks in advance.
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well it sounds like this little chickens having a hard time.. maybe it broke something. or maybe it is in shock.. if you really dont want loose her then try warming her up and feeling her joints. get a vet if avalable. 40% of living. and 60% of not living for this chicken
Do you know if your chickens have been vaccinated against Marek's? I copied the below information from this article on BYC:

Q: What are the symptoms?

Since now there are more strains of Marek's Virus, there are more symptoms. A chicken could have all , some, or no symptoms at all. Most of us know the classic symptoms, but we do not recognize all the many symptoms that Marek's can have.

- The symptoms may include: paralysis of leg or legs, may have one point forward one backward OR not.

- Cloudy eye, gray eye, or pupil not perfectly round, OR not.
-They may have small tumors all over the outer skin.
Wasting: Appearing to eat but not able to aim and pick up food, or not absorbing the nutrients and calories. Not looking sick until the end
- Paralysis of ANY nerves in the body including nerves to the lungs (causing gasping), crop ,or digestive system not moving food along, (looks like impacted crop. OR not).

- Paralysis of the legs is the easiest to recognize.
- Small tumor lumps all over the body, or not.
- Loss of control of their neck, and can't aim at food and pick it up.

- Wing paralysis, or walking with their wings, or not.
- They can look like there is nothing wrong with them with or without symptoms.
- They may have some symptoms, or, symptoms that seem to come and go. . It may be months before death.
- A necropsy can show tumors on organs. Some appear to just drop dead. It may be because they are wasting (starving) and the weight loss is covered by feathers, so it's not
seen until the last few days before they die.
*I know that's alot to read , please read it several times.
Hey Bubbles12345 I am sorry to read that your pullet is unwell.

Sadly, as you probably know, chickens can show signs and symptoms which match up with many different ailments and it can be hard to narrow down the actual cause.

Your gal is no different and I agree that it could be shock or Marek’s as suggested.

I lost a young Silkie in similar circumstances, she had been free ranging with the flock in the afternoon and was absolutely fine when she went to bed. The next morning I found her in the nest box unable to lift her head and sadly, she passed away within a couple of hours.

She may have eaten something she shouldn’t on the free range; she may have been bitten by something or she may have just been so very good at hiding any symptoms until it was too late to do something about it.

I hope your gal survives the night and in the morning you are able to find and fix the cause of her being unwell
well it sounds like this little chickens having a hard time.. maybe it broke something. or maybe it is in shock.. if you really dont want loose her then try warming her up and feeling her joints. get a vet if avalable. 40% of living. and 60% of not living for this chicken
I didn't feel any broken bones...there is no vet near, sadly.

Do you think she fell off her roost? She was in the right spot, under it, maybe she was bumped? It's a really high roost, over 6 feet off the ground.

I'd be so devastated if it was Marek's..... Please tell me it's not. Her eyes are normal, and all other chickens are as fat as ticks and healthy.
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Hey Bubbles12345 I am sorry to read that your pullet is unwell.

Sadly, as you probably know, chickens can show signs and symptoms which match up with many different ailments and it can be hard to narrow down the actual cause.

Your gal is no different and I agree that it could be shock or Marek’s as suggested.

I lost a young Silkie in similar circumstances, she had been free ranging with the flock in the afternoon and was absolutely fine when she went to bed. The next morning I found her in the nest box unable to lift her head and sadly, she passed away within a couple of hours.

She may have eaten something she shouldn’t on the free range; she may have been bitten by something or she may have just been so very good at hiding any symptoms until it was too late to do something about it.

I hope your gal survives the night and in the morning you are able to find and fix the cause of her being unwell
Gulp.... I'm not going to be able to sleep tonight..... She was normal just 3 hours ago, which is why I thought sudden accident.
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She's a good weight, and was not struggling for breath, just seemed stunned. What's the incubation time for Marek's? 2 adult bantams were introduced to my flock in mid-June, but that's it.
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i think she might have.. you sould bring her inside maybe? last time i had 2 chickens that were sick i thot that the one could make it out side so i just brouht the one in and the other one out side was dead. so really try your best.. belive in god to keep it alive. god knows wather its her time or not.
Thank you. I hope she survives, she had just barely started laying.

This is her a bit ago, her name is Muffin.
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