EE roo or hen? UPDATED PICS


8 Years
Oct 25, 2011
Philadelphia, TN
This chick is almost 4 wks old. I just noticed today that there seem to be some dark red feathers coming in over the shoulders and wings. It seems really early for those to be coming in compared to other EE roos I"ve raised. What do you think? Is it too early to tell?

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my neighbor has a white ee that started getting the red (boy) shoulders, I told him it looked like a boy. Well she lays green eggs for him, so not a stew pot bird. looks like it'll be very pretty no matter what sex it is
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Oh I sure hope so! Nothing about him seems like a roo, doesn't stand like one, the comb is not as red in real life as the pics are, legs arent thick. But his splotchy color and dark red that's coming in on the wings are the only things that make me think that. Hmm
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You can tell sex with EE's by their comb. If there are 3 distinct rows on the comb then it's a boy. It looks like boy to me. They are one of the earliest breeds you can sex.
Here is a pic of his back. See the red feathers over his wings? THat's what I"m talking about. Is it dark enough to be Roo Red?

Can EE roos have the barred pattern on them? I've never seen any with that before. He does not have 3 rows in his pea comb.

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