EEEk! Price increase @ TSC

I've heard it on a financial forum at least six months ago that it was coming. These things don't just happen overnight without there being warnings. We haven't seen the end of it yet, either. I look for feed to double before it levels off if it does.
About 3 years ago corn was about 3.00 a bushel they announced that the government was financing ethanol and was requiring a percentage of ethanol be put in gas, corn went up to 5.00 a bushel overnight.
I read an article the other day that said corn production is at a 15 year low and YES biofuel is using alot of the corn. Everything that uses corn oil or corn syrup (which is just about everything on the grocery store shelves) will be going up in price if it all ready hasn't. Sorry I don't have better news.
Our local Farmers' Co-Op has good prices, but I have noticed a definite uptick in the pricing of just about everything that I feed the poultry and the deer. Martha
feed prices are going way up, i remember when it cost half the price to feed the animals as it does now. i would love to grow my own feed, im just clueless on where to start. can you buy seeds for grains at stores?
ive never even looked. any good links on how to go about it all? i have been trying to find the least costly way to feed all of my birds, but it seems like no matter what way its all going to cost around the same.
I remember when it was 7.00 a bag, and that REALLY wasn't THAT long ago. In 95. I still paid 4.00 for a bag of sweet feed that is now 9.99 a bag. My horses are now on free choice Tifton 85 hay and Alfalfa pellets./ No more grain since 2 of my 5 horses foundered last year.
You know, Corn goes up and down quite a bit. Any of the grain commodities fluctuate regularly. Trouble is, you rarely see the price of feed go down after the price of grain goes down. I stopped feeding scratch last year and started to feed a wild birdseed mix that I get from TSC for 7.99 a 35 pound bag.. My chickens are doing much better and laying better eggs now and It's a little less money in the long run. I was planning on going to TSC to stock up next week. Maybe I will have to switch to Dumor or Walpole Layer instead:confused:
I just came from TSC. Layena was $14.19 and DuMor was $12.99. I had a 10% off coupon for all purchases if I spent a minimum of $100. I took the DW as I'm still not supposed to lift with my right arm. She got the guy in the store to load the cart and then load the feed into the van. Our price for feed worked out to $11.69 a bag for DuMor pellets and $10.69 for scratch. We loaded up with that 10% off coupon. TSC send us one of those about every 2-3 months. While the guy was loading, I asked him when he would be getting chicks in. He said in a week or so, but he had no idea where he was going to put them. There is stuff, mostly feed, stacked everywhere and I didn't even see any pig feed or I might have had him throw in a couple bags of that too.

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