EE's dont look CLOSE to ready...Take a look please

More support to my growing theory that EEs and Ameraucanas are just late bloomers somehow. Mine still look really pullety (small, and leggy, and leanish sort of) , and their same-age counterparts Marans and Wyandottes look like fat young matrons, and are all kind of squatty. I've heard this "My EE/Ameraucana took forever to lay" song and dance around where I live alot, too.

What do you guys think?
My EE pullets also seem slow to mature. I have 19-weekers and they look very much like Florida Lee's pullet for pinkish hue. The cockerel treats them like juveniles -- reminding them to wait their turn at the treat dish and making no attempt to mount them. The other breeds that I have are all near the same age and all are red-faced with growing combs and getting plenty of cockerel love. The dominant Welsummer is singing the egg song every day (no egg yet, though!)

ETA: The EE cockerel, however, matured pretty early. He had saddle and hackle feathers at 12 weeks and was crowing and putting the moves on the older girls at 14 weeks. They're all from the same breeder.
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they'reHISchickens :

I suspect your first one is a pullet because many EEs with that coloration are pullets. That second one... coloration is roo-ish, but she sure looks like a pullet. Have to wait on that one.
I have 2 in the same boat. I go by coloration as much as anything, but one of mine has me on the fence too.

If Louise was a Roo, would there be spurs or crowing by 23 weeks? Oh Please lord don't let her be a roo...
One of my EEs started laying at 19 weeks. I've gotten 9 blue eggs in the last 10 days. I'm not sure if one or both are laying. They are nearly identical in shape, color and size....the first one is more green the but all the others are blue. I'm still waiting for my Speckled Sussex and Silver-laced Wyandottes to start laying. All 6 girls were 20 weeks on the 15th.

Here are the 6, they are about 12 weeks in this pic. The gold EE is the one who is laying already.
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I am glad you posted this, I was sort of wondering the same thing. My EE is easily the smallest of the trio I bought on Memorial Day. She was the last to stop "peeping" and she is no longer the same size as the brahama I bought with her who was hatched the same day.

They sure are beautiful though. I think my Cookie looks a little like a bird of prey. I love her so much.
If Louise was a Roo, would there be spurs or crowing by 23 weeks? Oh Please lord don't let her be a roo...

She is a pullet don't worry!
Your red one is a beauty, the first picture looks like my two girls Twinkle & Sweet Pea. Our third EE has a black head & dark body, her name is Cinnamon. They still cheep & they are 12 weeks old.
Here are their baby pictures.


This was 4th of July - Sweet Pea & Cinnamon


Need to take new pictures.
I have a small white EE that started laying blue eggs on her 20 week birthday, and 3 others from the same hatch that have yet to even get in a nest box or show any "ready to lay" behaviors. The one laying is the smallest of them all, and still has a baby face, so I guess you just never know.
I have two EE's. same age.
Here is my EE rooster, Black eye, he's the same age as all my chicks including the other EE. He's already tried mounting my EE pullet and our Brahama pullet.

this is the EE pullet Bubba...she and our EE roo looked identical when chicks but now look entirely different. I thought she was getting ready to lay by her strange behavior earlier this week but now not so sure.

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