Effects of feeding corn to chickens?

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Please explain this to me. It's not accurate but yet from their view point it is??? It's either an accurate statement or it's a statement built on false facts, which makes it inaccurate.

Fact is you can eat field corn but most don't so its used to make other things. They also tasted there corn after they grew it an said they thought it was not eatable. So there opinion is just as valid as mine. I think it is they think it is not. An farmers are not able to compete an live off the corn that they are growing. If ya need it explained better then rent the video an see what the whole town of corn farmers say about it.

No problem at all stating it's their opinion. Just don't pass it off as scientific evidence to back up their opinion (not you but them).

Can is different than don't want to.

Corn is an energy source for animals, not a complete feed. Different hybrids, lines of corn do have a different taste--popcorn, sweet corn, opaque-2, dent, flint, etc. Grow the ones you like, just like I do w/tomatoes in my garden.
Black Oil Sunflower Seeds
First let me say I don't have quit 30 years in the ag business yet but I do have around 20 years in it..
I believe we all have our own beliefs on this topic and like greathorse said "There can be a long and interesting debate on the merits of the ag system we have today" I also appreciate this thread and I agree that there is/was no name calling, just a good old debate.
I believe that more people need to support there local farmers one way or another weather they are "organic" or not because there just trying to make a living like everyone else.
When it comes down to it we have either GM/ hybrid Ag all around us even if you are organic, from the grass, flower, trees and shrubs in our yard to the produce we grow in our fields and gardens. Look at the livestock we raise, we want it to produce more meat, eggs, or milk so we cross them to to make a "better" breed. ( Hybrid layers, Broad breasted turkey and Cornish cross ).

Dont think they ever say it is. Watch the video. They talk to all kinds of people. I think the whole video is about opinions?

There city kids trying to learn how things work. They wonted to follow there corn from the field to the consumer.
Dont think they ever say it is. Watch the video. They talk to all kinds of people. I think the whole video is about opinions?

There city kids trying to learn how things work. They wonted to follow there corn from the field to the consumer.

Could have saved them a lot of time/effort, once it's taken to mill, it's blended w/everyone elses corn and sent a million places........

Appreciate that it is a video of OPINIONS and not facts. No problem w/people having different opinions.
Are there specific varieties produced for human consumpton vs. livestock? For example is the same stuff used for corn meal/polenta as cattle feed?

I always assumed the stuff form corn meal and so forth would be a differnt variety that had propeties appropriate for that use?

Is there a specific variety produced for ethanol?
well in my area there are 2 types of corn
i live in Washington.

Quincy corn is the best human food ever

then there are these larger, starchy corn for cattle and ethanol.....

because of the demand in ethanol the farmers have switched to that corn. and now thanks to ethanol some of the best corn in the world is no longer grown. hay and ethanol corn make more money....
Sweat Corn is what most people are use to eating.
Then there popcorn.
Then field corn is used for most everything else.

There are also many variety of each of these.

Beond that Im not sure. I know the co-op in the town the kids in that video used grew one kind of field corn (name withheld?) an they sold it for a lot of uses.
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