Egg 3 is dead..Graphic photos


9 Years
Aug 11, 2010
Waterloo, South Carolina
I finally managed to get my humidity stable and this morning at 8am i put 6 eggs in the bator then added 1 more for good luck. From what Ive read I put them in today but then start count down from tomorrow morning. Roll on 28ish days
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Mid -January Babies!!! Best wishes for a great first hatch in the new incubator. At least with Christmas and New Year in the first few weeks it will help to make the time feel like its flying by.
Oh I hear ya ...I would of added 2 more if Fiona ...who I got from Dipsy down there.. had laid. That duck has laid more of less every day...untill 2 days ago she shorted me 2 eggs over 2 days. I could of waited untill today but you know how it is...I just couldnt help myself, I had to get them in. So Ive put Fionas name on her egg...fingers crossed it is viable. Darn, 28 days is going to take FOREVER!!!
My bator is regulating out at 99.7 temp and 54% humidity. Is this ok, I htink it is, but just want to check with ya'll
Edited to say I THINK I do have 2 of Fionas eggs after all. I checked them when I rolled them this AM and im 90% poss another is Fionas so it now haf F? on it.
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OH PLEASE don't temp me to set eggs in my incubator as well at this time of year, these 9 ducklings I have now are MESSY!!! But then, by time they are ready to go outside they will have their down feathers and fat and ready to go. It's tempting because my dh just told me because of our wonderful economy he reassigned onto another year over in Afghanistan!!
, and one of his co-workers who he became extremely good friends with to the point of considering each other brothers, I met his wife on Skype and she wants ducklings, so maybe eventually I can get some ducklings to her this spring/summer. Plus when dh does come home for R&R, we are planning a trip to Vegas so I won't be home for the hatching. Good luck I hope it is a flawless incubation period.
Vegas... Love it there. EthelM Chocolate factory is a must!!!!!
Check out for cheap flights. This airline does cheap direct flight to Vegas and gets paid for it by the casinos. They are usually using smaller airport, but they do get the planes packed. They have sometimes those 29 dollar specials. We have done that several times. Can't beat the price. You do have to pay for your food and drinks on the plane, but that is still a bargain over other airlines.
Vegas... Love it there. EthelM Chocolate factory is a must!!!!!
Check out for cheap flights. This airline does cheap direct flight to Vegas and gets paid for it by the casinos. They are usually using smaller airport, but they do get the planes packed. They have sometimes those 29 dollar specials. We have done that several times. Can't beat the price. You do have to pay for your food and drinks on the plane, but that is still a bargain over other airlines.

I mentioned that to my dh about Allegiant, they do take off from our airport, but he says he can get delta miles since he flies that to/from Afghanistan. I HATE, HATE flying my anxiety level goes through the roof during the flight, I do have an phobia to flying, but not so crippling that I won't fly, I just get a bit teary eye when the plane takes off/lands, or hits a bit pocket of turbulance. XANAX time! I didn't have this kind of drastic phobia of flying until we flew into Colorado during a horrific thunderstorm and the plane came in fish tailing and jumping on it's wheels side/side because of a cross wind/down draft that the plane could only handle 29 knots, but the wind was 28knots, just thankful to God he spared us and we had some awesome pilots that knew how to land.

I've NEVER been to Las Vegas, so this will be a 1st for me, we want to go see red rock, the Grand Canon, and go to the Coca Cola Factory and I think what you mentioned the M&M factory I believe. Plus, my boys are absolutely going crazy with excitement because they want to see the magician "Criss Angel."​

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