Egg bound Hen Help!



Oct 15, 2020
Daisy my Buff Orpington hen 1 year appears to be egg bound she has not been laying eggs for a few days now she seems to be panting, weezing when she breathes and it is not even hot outside! I felt her oviduct and I feel something hard ( like an egg) stuck in there. She shows no interest in eating much and is lethargic. Not walking around much are these signs of an egg bound hen? If so, what should I do?
Does your chicken have calcium available or is she eating layer feed? With eggbinding, some things that cause it are a lack of calcium, dehydration, too large of a egg, and possible vent damage. How is she acting? Is she able to poop? Usually an eggbound hen cannot poop. If she is too weak for a warm soak inside the house where it is warm, you can always place them in a warm humid room on a moist warm towel with a heating pad set of low underneath.
All 6 of my chickens have calcium layer feed available at all times. It has a lot of calcium in it.
They also have fresh water at all times if their water gets low, I go to the hose and get them more. I have not seen her poop except a drop of runny poo falling from her vent. Other than that, no poop at all. She is not walking around much just laying in a corner wheezing. She is acting lethargic. If she does not pass an egg how much time does she have left to live?
You can try to give her a 1/2 of a Tums or human calcium tablet orally just for a quick boost. Did you feel the stuck egg inside the vent with your finger? I might use your finger and lubricate her vent with veg oil or vaseline or similar. If you have a vet available, they may help if it really is a stuck egg.
I felt with my fingers. A hard egg is stuck in her vent. I can't seem to find any poultry vets around the area. I put on some rubber gloves and I lubricated her vent with vaseline she still has not passed the egg yet. I have no Idea how much time she has left. She is my Daisy Buff Orpington hen. That is why my profile name is DaisyBuff. Also My profile pic.
I felt with my fingers. A hard egg is stuck in her vent. I can't seem to find any poultry vets around the area. I put on some rubber gloves and I lubricated her vent with vaseline she still has not passed the egg yet. I have no Idea how much time she has left. She is my Daisy Buff Orpington hen. That is why my profile name is DaisyBuff. Also My profile pic.
As mentioned, soak her in a container of warm water up to her sides and gently massage her underside front to rear while she is soaking.
The warm water will relax and expand her innards. Massaging her underside encourages her to lay the stuck egg. Do this procedure for 30 minutes, and hopefully she'll lay the egg. It's possible she may lay the egg while she's soaking. Do NOT under any circumstances break the stuck egg. Continue soaking and massaging as necessary.
As mentioned, soak her in a container of warm water up to her sides and gently massage her underside front to rear while she is soaking.
The warm water will relax and expand her innards. Massaging her underside encourages her to lay the stuck egg. Do this procedure for 30 minutes, and hopefully she'll lay the egg. It's possible she may lay the egg while she's soaking. Do NOT under any circumstances break the stuck egg. Continue soaking and massaging as necessary.
Will try thank you for the imformation.
And if at first you don't succeed, try, try again.
I had to give the warm bath a few times to a hen before she finally laid the egg.
However, she became egg bound with her next ovulation and she died.

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