Egg bound, or other illness?


In the Brooder
May 18, 2022
Sacramento CA
Hello, this morning I noticed one of my girls all puffed up and not moving around much. I brought her inside and offered her a snack thinking she might be cold from the rain (though the run is fully covered, she was a little damp).

She ate a very small amount of the scrambled egg I offered her and a couple of fly larvae, but seemed unusually uninterested. I started googling her symptoms and being egg bound was one of the possible conditions that matched most of her symptoms.

Just to be safe I gave her a little bit of tums and soaked her in an Epsom salt bath. While inside, she had a mostly clear, watery poop.

Despite having most of the symptoms of egg binding, she isn't displaying the squatty penguin stance, unless I'm not recognizing it. Does she look egg bound (to someone more experienced than me)? See attached picture.

When I took her back outside, she was interested in pecking around the yard and eating treats with the other girls (but I didnt see her eat pellets from the feeder), but she was still puffed up and moving slower than usual. If she's still off tomorrow I'm going to take her to the vet.


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Beautiful girl, and no, she doesn't look like she is egg bound. Can you check her crop tonight when she is on the roost to see how full it feels and again first thing in the morning before she's had a chance to eat to make sure it is flat and empty?

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