Egg Bound or Prolapsed?

Nu Chix To Cash

9 Years
Apr 28, 2010
Central Iowa
Late Saturday night I brought home our young Japanese bantam hen after she had gotten out of the coop and into the cold, frozen snow. When I picked her up I noticed her butt looked like it had poop stuck to it but figured it was just froze from being outside and I’d check it out when I got home. After getting her home I did soak her in warm water to clean off the poo and then trimmed her feathers. She had a good appetite.

After doing some research I can’t tell if she’s egg bound or prolapsed so I’m not sure where to go next. Last night I did soak her for a good 30+ min. in hot water (which she seems to enjoy) and then put her on a heating pad in a small cat crate. When I do an external exam I can’t feel anything but she’s a very small chicken so I’m not sure how well I’d be able to fee it if she was egg bound.

I’m not sure when she laid her last egg as both of my hens (and my ducks) quit laying when it got colder.

I do think it looks a hair better then it did Saturday and last night was the first time she finally pooped out anything more then just milky liquid but it still wasn’t “chicken poop”.

Any thoughts? Do you think she’s prolapsed or egg bound still?


Looks like urine burn, yeast infection. Prolapse you will see her insides sticking out. Either way she needs to see a vet. Good luck, sorry I'm not more help!

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