Egg bound?


Aug 18, 2016
I think I might have an egg bound quail and I am not sure what to do. She is staying puffed up all the time and doesn't really want to move(unless I put in fresh dirt in there dirt bath bowl lol). When she does go to move she looks like she wants to tip forward. Do you think shes egg bound? Or could it be something else. I checked her feet and they look good.
So I checked her over really good. No sign of a bound egg. Rechecked her legs, but shes still acting the same. Any other ideas?
Did you try to feel the egg inside the hen by inserting your finger? In some cases the egg will be at about finger length.
I did not do that. I was just feeling around the vent area. Her vent doesn't seem big enough to fit my fingers inside but if you think this is the answer I will lube up and give it a go lol.
Her vent doesn't seem big enough to fit my fingers inside but if you think this is the answer I will lube up and give it a go lol.
Being egg bound is deadly for a bird. Watch some youtube videos on how to help your hen. The egg comes out of a vent, so its big enough...

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