Egg bound?

Clucky McCluckerson

In the Brooder
Aug 4, 2022
Clay, KY
I have a hen who seems to be egg bound. She acted kind of lethargic yesterday, but she was still eating, drinking, and getting around fine. I noticed her tail feathers were down, and her comb had a bit of a blue tint to it. I figured she was in heart failure. I expected to find her dead in the coop this morning. She couldn't fly up to roost, so she just slept in the nesting box. She didn't want to leave the nesting box and the other hens were sitting on her. She finally wobbled out of the coop, but she just laid in the run and the others were walking on and pecking at her. I got her out, gave her a 20 min warm bath, and felt around on her abdomen and oviduct area. I can't feel a hard mass, but her intestinal area seems squishy. I'm not really sure what it's supposed to feel like, because I've never had a sick hen. She's about 3 years old, barred rock, lays almost every day, just got an egg from her a couple days ago. She seems alert, just doesn't want to move.
Any help is appreciated!
Does she normally lay eggs? I would give her a human calcium citrate with D 3 tablet daily for several days. She might have some other reproductive problem, such as internal laying, ascites, cancer, or infection. Do not bathe her again, since that might push her over the edge. If you still feel that she is egg bound place her on a warm towel with a heat pad set to low (check often so she is not overheated.) Offer some fluids often, and some scrambled egg, moist feed, or tuna.
Does she normally lay eggs? I would give her a human calcium citrate with D 3 tablet daily for several days. She might have some other reproductive problem, such as internal laying, ascites, cancer, or infection. Do not bathe her again, since that might push her over the edge. If you still feel that she is egg bound place her on a warm towel with a heat pad set to low (check often so she is not overheated.) Offer some fluids often, and some scrambled egg, moist feed, or tuna.
She usually lays an egg a day, but she hasn't laid in a couple days.

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