Egg bound?

I have an issue with one of my N.H. Reds. She is eating and drinking but seems to be bloated she walks kind of funny almost a waddle to her walk. It is hard to tell if she is egg bound or not since the other chickens lay and I can't tell who is doing the laying and who is not. How can I tell what is wrong with her.
Hi, 4reds. Sorry I didn't get a reply to you yesterday. When they are egg bound there is usually alot of straining to lay, they walk and stand funny. My girl stands with one foot almost on top of the other. They are usually bloated and lethargic. Check their vent, because it is usually swollen or protruding. Type in eggbound in the search box and you should get plenty of hits with more information.

As for my girl, she is getting her fifth warm bath this morning. This is day 5 and still no egg. She continues to eat and drink, vent actually looks better, but still straining constantly. I lubricated her vent again last night. We are giving her another 12 - 24 hours and then will probably cull. I've never had to do that so it's going to be difficult to say the least. She's such a sweet little hen. I hate to lose her.

This is such an old post, but I'm curious what happened to your hen. Going through something similar right now and desperately looking for help. If you get this please respond.

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