Egg Candling observations

Must Be Losing It

Lost It
11 Years
Mar 3, 2008
Uxbridge MA
So I candled my little weebles and I'm not too optimistic especially after some of the temperature issues I had in the beginning.

The obvious ones are easy, you can see the embryo's/veining and all's good, but then I see some veining w/ what looks like loose gooiness. Is this normal or are they bad eggs? My husband says hold onto them and see what happens but I don't want yuck exploding in my incubator.

Please oh wise ones, enlighten me...
How far along are you in the incubation period. I wait 10 - 14 days before I throw any eggs. It is just one way to be sure the egg is not developing properly.
They will start to smell before they explode - so you do have some time to wait and check them again.

best wishes for a great hatch
When I have a questionable egg I mark it with a ? at day 7 when I candle and if it hasn't started weeping or gotten funky smelling (which I have only ever had one) by day 14 and its still clear it gets tossed then...I'm always doubting and making sure I don't toss a good

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