Egg Candling Pictures-Day 1 through Day 18. (update:LOST my hen pg.4)

Thanks! It certainly is FUN! I can't recommend it any higher (except for the lost sleep part when they hatch in the middle of the night. Yawn.).

Still drying off:

updated: I named this one Sybil: UPDATED Update: Sybil turned out to be Sammy and is a Lakenvelder, Silver Spangled Hamburg Cross (despite earlier guesses)

(Sybil is the chick on the far left) with a sister, stretching out:
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Very Nice! Congratulations. I found my first broody hatched chick today about 50 ft outside of the coop. Almost stepped on it since I wasn't expecting it to be out there. Saw that atleast one of the other eggs the beak was poking through, so I can't wait to get home from work in about 11 hours and see what surprises await.
Cool! I'm still waiting for 4 other eggs to pip (2 in bator, 2 under broody). I'm beginnig to lose my optimism though.
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Final report on the Silver Spangled Hamburg eggs:
The remaining four eggs (two in the bator and two under the broody) failed to hatch. One under the broody was a quitter probably around day 9 or so. The remaining three were perfectly developed, but all three had failed to absorb the egg sac to varying degrees. So sad and mystifying why that happens.
So, I've got five beautiful new chicks! I'm keeping two and adopting out three to my neighbor.

Thanks for all the support and encouragement!
I did give Freida a second baby! Sorry, I forgot to mention that. This morning, when I stole the quitters out from under her to candle and eggtopsy, I took the curiously marked chick (SSH x Lakenvelder) out of the brooder and brought her to Freida. I watched the three of them for a while to be sure there would be no issues and they all got along famously!
Oh, and I named them Sybil and Greta. Sybil is the one who mysteriously changed from SSH to a mixed breed while in the bator and Greta is Esther's hatchling. I wanted her to have a German/Dutch sounding name given her heritage.

Sybil, 1 day old: (UPDATE: Sybil is a Sammy!)

Silver Spangled Hamburg chicks (and Sybil (the roo), on left)
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