egg cartons

Do most people put their own homemade label over the original label/imprint on the used cartons? It seems that I've read this is required to be "within the law", but I could have been dreaming... ???

I keep used cartons for most everything except for my one store account for which I use strictly new cartons now.

As Nifty relates once I got the pipeline going I've never (quite) run out of used cartons and often times have them coming out of my ears. In fact come my next swap I've got a big stack of the types that I don't use I'll be selling to clear them out of my workshop.
We told one customer that we would be charging extra for not returning cartons! Now they are coming out my ears! My husband has some in his car he wont bring in the house cuz I said No More!
I have not verified it for myself yet (I will though when my girls finally begin to lay), but I was told by a fellow chicken keeper/egg seller here in WV that you are required to use new cartons that have a label with your name on it to sell eggs.
New to this. 4-5 month old red stars in A frame tractor. We live in Round Rock, Texas and the local recycle center accepts egg cartons for growers to reuse. Pretty cool.
I was going to buy some but so far I haven't had to. Friends and people that work near me have given me a tun of them. One day I may buy some but right now the girls are just starting to cover their food costs at 2.00 a dozen. I sell 12-14 dozen a week at work. If I start selling more they may be able to buy cartons one day
Got a whole bunch off of CL in trade for some fresh eggs. Also, people at work save them for me; even people who don't buy or ask for eggs. They just show up in my mailbox
It really depends upon the state. Here in Wisconsin, selling from your own farm or residence, anything goes, it is unregulated. The minute you set foot of of your property to sell eggs you are supposed to have a permit from the state. They allow the use of old, but clean cartons, but all of the old info must be marked out and the appropriate info applied.

When we sell eggs we use new cartons that are preprinted with much of the required info and then stamp our info, grade, and dates on the cartons. When we give eggs away to the local food pantries we generally use old cartons that people bring and use a big, thick Sharpie marker to line out the old info.
we started saving our cartons as soon as we got our first chicks. We had to buy a carton of jumbo sized eggs for some of our to fit, but it turns out that ours are bigger than store bought jumbo eggs too. We also have some plastic containers that came with the fridge that work really well for the big eggs. Also, whenever we give away some eggs, people bring the carton back when they are gone- probably in hopes of getting a refill ;-)
Don't know about the law, but I buy address labels with my farm information and email address. A Dozen Girlz also sells some really nice custom labels; check the auctions site.

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