egg cartons

Ask your friends & neighbors to save them for you. My local independent feed store sells them for $0.38 each. Also our local grocery stores have a recycling can out front for styrofoam egg cartons & I've seen folks taking them.
...what other options do you know of...

Sorry for the late reply
There are plastic boxes or pulp.
Depending on whether you want the boxes to hold chicken eggs, quail eggs, goose eggs, etc, you may need boxes with different pocket sizes for the eggs.
There is the choice of how many eggs per box you want to store
And lastly, there are different designs like two rows of six eggs, 3 rows of 4 eggs.
mom ignoring other preferences like color of the boxes, print on the box, etc.
right now we only have quail egg boxes (12 eggs and 18 eggs per carton) in stock but we are working on getting 4 by 3 chicken egg boxes in grey and black.

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