Egg color


In the Brooder
9 Years
Sep 25, 2010
ok.. I am about to demonstrate my lack of knowledge with chickens. I was looking for pictures of black sex-link hens and eggs so I could have an idea of what color the eggs where.. couldn't find them in the list of breeds???
anybody know what color the eggs are?? I am getting one to two blue eggs a day and only have one Americauna.. either she's working pretty dang hard or some one else is laying blue eggs..
Black sex links lay brown eggs. Sorry no pictures. I wonder if maybe what you thought was a BSL is an EE? Lucky you to have two hens laying blue eggs.
I have 2 Black Stars ( or Sex Links ) They both lay a light brown egg with a very heavy bloom coat. Making them look pinkish light brown with a sheen or shine to them. Thats the best way I can discrible them. Pictures would not be able to capture this. Hope this helps.
I don't think so... I ordered 2 black-sex linked chickens... and 2 americanua, (one died as a chick) so I have 12 total..3 production reds, 2 buff oringtons, 2 astrolops, 2 barred rocks, sex-links and the one americauna (my spelling of these may be off a bit).. I am getting one blue egg a day... I though americaunas only layed a couple of times a week...
Mine are brown. But it is possible that they were crossed with an americauna. My "sexlinks" were ummm NOT!!! I have out of 8 "hens" 3 roosters.
I don't think so... I ordered 2 black-sex linked chickens... and 2 americanua, (one died as a chick) so I have 12 total..3 production reds, 2 buff oringtons, 2 astrolops, 2 barred rocks, sex-links and the one americauna (my spelling of these may be off a bit).. I am getting one blue egg a day... I though americaunas only layed a couple of times a week...

If your getting one blue a day, then it's your "americauna". If you ordered from a hatchery (MyPetChicken, McMurray, etc.) then they are mutts with the blue egg gene, AKA Easter Eggers (EEs). My 2 EEs typically lay 4-6 eggs a week each, sometimes one everyday for 7 days.

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