Egg Colors


12 Years
Dec 14, 2007
NE Indiana
I have a Barred Rock , Buff Orp, Rhode Island Red, 2 white chickens ( white rocks, I think) and a all black chicken with a small comb.
I am getting ready to hatch out eggs but I dont know who lays what... Can anyone tell me who lays the dark brown eggs, the light brown and the ones that look almost pink.
well, my br lays pinkish eggs, RIR lays light brown, idk about the rest...
I'm pretty sure the pink ones are RIR. I'm not sure about the others though. I have a similar mix of birds and egg colors.

I hope the hatch goes well!
I don't know, but think the RIR's lay brown, mine do. I have a yellow girl with "pantaloons" down to her feet, she's yellow, and she lays brown eggs. Her eggs feel like they have sand on them and little specks.....does anyone know what that is???? She just started laying about 2 weeks ago.
We have a similar mix of chickens as you do. Our RIR's lay dark brown eggs (two of them with darker brown speckles). Our Buff Orp's lay very light brown (one has white speckles). And our Barred Rocks lay pinkish brown eggs. I know that each breed can lay a range of colors though.

machix - occasionally we get a 'sandpaper' egg. I've always written it off as the chicken eating something different than normal. It usually only happens once or twice, and then she goes back to normal. Since yours is a new layer, her body may just be working things out.
Both speckles and the sandpaper gritty kind are normal while the hen adjusts to getting her egg factory up and running.
ETA: Just be sure and offer oyster shell free choice and she'll work out the kinks.
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