Egg colour genetics - egg to chick to egg??


7 Years
Apr 6, 2016
SW France
:frow:frowme of the million questions again! This is my first foray into this area. I have a 3rd chicken just gone broody and I am in the process of organising eggs to put under her (I'm self building my flock so have no roosters etc!). I have already hatched some Araucana from eggs that were a fairly pale blue (under broody 1). I saw when I went back to the lady for broody 2's eggs that she had some that are very dark blue / turquise (gorgeous!). I'm not that bothered about having more of the same pale blue but if I could get some bright blue layers I'd be estatic!

My question is - if I get a hen from a bright blue egg will she lay the darker colour or is it possible she would just lay the normal paler version?
Fascinating reading - thanks! Sounds like in theory the offspring of a darker shade should also get a darker shade (depending on the father - but if he is also a 'blue' then it shouldn't dilute it too much). I'm going to bookmark those articles!

I've actually decided to leave these eggs this broody - too much driving - I'm already going 45 minutes NE to collect the other eggs I'm getting (marans, vorwerk and cream legbars) and the lady with the Araucanas is 45 minutes NW. I have 2 silkies so I'm sure I'll have another opportunity soon :lau

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