Egg Covered in Yolk

Keep us updated- I'm not sure which of my girls has issues as mine are new layers...

Well, it's been three days since the yolk covered egg, and Helga hasn't laid since. Hmm. She still is as chipper as ever, happily active and noisy just like normal. I have no idea what to make of it. She does go through periods where she doesn't lay for a few days. She has never laid an egg every single day. Usually 3-4 a week. It's just the yolked one is so odd that I am still concerned. I'm keeping an eye on her. 
I didn't end up probing or doing anything invasive. She continued to be happy and healthy, and although she only laid one more egg after that (about a week later, very tiny with only white in it!) she also began molting. Now I'm just waiting for her feathers to finish coming back in and hoping she will start laying again. She was my very first hen (shown in my avatar picture). Very friendly, Ms. Personality for sure. She's the one who walks right up and sticks her face in my camera every single time I go out there with one! :)
Helga laid one egg after that, two days later. It was TINY, about the size of a robin's egg and it was filled with white only (no yolk). Then she promptly began molting so she's been on strike ever since. I'm hoping she gets over it soon though because those last two eggs concern me!
I hope Helga is doing ok!! I've got a similar issue with my SLW hen Gladys - the last two eggs she's lain have been covered in a sticky substance. Not really yellow and not wet. Just sticky. Yesterday, the egg had just a bit of it and today the egg was covered. Is this normal? It doesn't seem like yolk but I don't know....
I hope Helga is doing ok!! I've got a similar issue with my SLW hen Gladys - the last two eggs she's lain have been covered in a sticky substance. Not really yellow and not wet. Just sticky. Yesterday, the egg had just a bit of it and today the egg was covered. Is this normal? It doesn't seem like yolk but I don't know....
Was it wet just immediately after being laid, which is normal and dries with in 5-10 minutes....... or did it stay wet?

If it stays wet/sticky...wipe it with a damp white paper towel to judge the color of the substance.
Make sure the nesting material is not soiled....could have been a broken egg in there.
Was it wet just immediately after being laid, which is normal and dries with in 5-10 minutes....... or did it stay wet?

If it stays wet/sticky...wipe it with a damp white paper towel to judge the color of the substance.
Make sure the nesting material is not soiled....could have been a broken egg in there.

It dried right away and no evidence of a broken egg. So it sounds like it's normal but what is it? The eggs usually aren't sticky at all, even for a few minutes and are lighter colored. Thanks for your information!!!
Quote: Eggs come out wet, then almost immediately dry....I didn't know that until I stalked my pullets this year and saw many eggs at the moment of being laid.

ETA: my Welsummer's eggs are sometimes very wet, like with a drop that does not dry right away.
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I have had the same thing happen this week twice. I was wondering about it as well. My whole nest was sticky like yellow yolk (4 eggs).. two of the eggs were Easter eggers. So I'm interested in seeing that others with hens about the same age are finding the same.


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