Egg discolouration a few days after being laid?


6 Years
Mar 18, 2018
Anyone else have these spots/discolouration appear on their eggs a few days after being laid? They are not visible when we collect them but a few days later I notice them (they are stored in a dish on the counter lined with paper towel). Thought?

I assume egg was not washed?
Candle it, I'm betting the shell is porous.
Don't think it's anything to be concerned about.
I will try candling one tonight! They are not washed. They chickens are fairly new to laying not sure if that makes a difference?

Thanks for your reply!
That's mottling, showing how porous the egg shell is. You'll see it super clearly if you candle it in the dark, it will glow like a lightbulb, compared to a dense-shelled egg.

Do they have access to free choice oyster shell? Porous shells can be a lack of calcium. I find that I have certain hens that simply lay a more porous shell regardless. It really doesn't hurt anything as far as eating eggs go, though you might want to eat them sooner than others. They're not a good choice to set for hatching though.

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