Egg Fertilization


8 Years
Aug 5, 2011
Linden, Michigan
Recently got a rooster. If my rooster mates with a hen how long does it take to start seeing fertilized eggs. Its been two days and nothing so far. I have a broody hen waiting.
My understanding is if the hen is covered on Monday, Tuesday's egg is fertile. What sign are you looking for to tell fertility?

Oh, and if it's all too much bother for you, just send that broody over here. I'm always looking for more
I picked up three eggs and cracked them all looking for the tell tail donut on the yolk. Still nothing. Hopefully this rooster get with the program soon. I have to say, even though he crows constantly he has integrated great. Hes already looking out for the hens. My son said they were picking on my broody hen and the rooster stepped in and stopped it. I live in a urban setting, and even though I went and asked most of my neighbors I'm still waiting for a knock at my door. No ordinances about roosters or chickens, however we do have noise ordinances. Doesn't stop anyone else waking us up at wee hours though.

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