Egg hatchability

crooked stripe

12 Years
Jan 14, 2008
N.E Ohio- Suffield
When a hen starts to lay how soon will I be able to take some eggs for the incubator? Will the rooster just start breeding as soon as the laying starts and how will I be able to tell if the eggs are fertile? I have 11 hens and one rooster and I hope he can keep up. Will all the hens accept the roo? I have some time till this happens but am curious. John
Here is an excellent post about this very subject:

My eggs are almost 100% fertile. How do I know? We use a lot of eggs, and I check each egg for that little bull's eye when I crack 'em open.

Not all my hens will accept both of my roos. I have a BO and an EE roo. Most of the girls accept the BO, and run off the EE, but the smaller girls accept the EE.

I think it may be a comfort issue, LOL. My BO roo is HUGE.

Good luck-

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