Egg humidity problems

The duckman

In the Brooder
Sep 28, 2022
Hi guys, I have a Little giant still air incubator and I have two questions, one is can sponges touch the eggs and be ok? And another is I filled all the bottom channels and as soon as I filled them it seems like they drained and now the humidity is stuck at 50% and lockdown is in a few days so any tips are appreciated
What do you mean by "it seems like they drained"? Do you have a leak or did it just evaporate quickly?

I wouldn't recommend letting sponges touch the eggs for long as they can be a spot where bacteria proliferate. Relative humidity is based on surface area, so increase that more to increase humidity. When I used a LG, I put in some shallow bowls with wet paper towel in them (so the chicks wouldn't drown if they fell in) and I frequently put in more water via the vent holes. It was a bit of a pesky solution, but it worked and I had good hatches.
Ok thank you I just hatched 8 or so so were good thanks you so much. But they drained through the bottom because the towel was soaking after i filled them

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