Egg Identification


5 Years
Oct 23, 2017
Van Buren AR
So we’re re trying to hatch eggs but want to know exactly what we’re hatching. I have two Porcelain d’uccles, one brown Brahma bantam, and a white silkie. We’ve just started getting eggs from them so we’re going to wait a little longer before we start putting them in the incubator, but I was wondering if anyone could help identify the girls that are laying. Here are the two eggs we’ve gotten so far out of their coop:

Thanks in advance!
definitely the smallest one. Is the other one from the same coop? Bigger egg could be a Silkie egg as they are known for ridiculously large eggs for bantams -but they should be white.
That’s what I thought about the Brahma. The other is from the same coop and my silkie is at laying age. No other eggs from our older chickens have looked like that but our older chickens often sneak in the bantam coop when we let them out to explore the smaller coop. Sometimes they lay in that coop but not very much.

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