Egg incubating fiasco - advice please! *New Pictures!*


9 Years
Jul 1, 2010
Bedfordshire, England
It's been an eventful few weeks so here goes! On the 12th June, I collected the eggs from the girls' nest as usual but noticed that when Honey came back inside she went over to the nest and seemed to be looking for her eggs! I told my mum because we always tell each other interesting duck things. The next day she did the same thing! I decided to put the eggs back in the nest to see if she'd sit on them and she did! So I left them and told my mum, who actually said she was happy I did because she felt bad when I told her Honey was looking for her eggs the day before. We had agreed to let them sit if they ever decided to so we thought we'd see how it went.

For about 17 days, Honey, Nugget and Phoebe all had a go sitting on the nest. We let them keep a maximum of 6, after various taking out cracked ones. We were left with 5 when one was infertile. The eggs were being sat on as they were laid and were being left for a couple of hours a day when the girls went outside but they still developed, though as they were being incubated as they were laid, some were more developed than others.

Unfortunately, after these 17ish days, I went in to check the eggs and they were quite cool. I warmed them up myself in my t-shirt and put them back and Honey sat on them. The next day, they were also cool but warmer than the day before, so I did the same, put them back and didn't notice anyone sit but left them anyway. The next day I felt them and they were cold. I made the decision to bring them inside, even though we are not at all set up to incubate inside. I couldn't let the eggs die after getting over half way! I brought them inside, wrapped them in a scarf and put them under a desk lamp.



I have been candling the eggs pretty much every day which leads to my first question, is it okay to candle every day!? It's just so fascinating and cute! Plus it also lets me see if they're doing okay.

One of the eggs smelled really bad so I removed it, so we're left with 4. The first egg was laid on 13th June, so due date will be 11th July, only a week to go! But a lot can happen in a week... as I've found out! :S They all seem to be moving at the moment.

The main issue I have is humidity (the desk lamp actually seems to be working okay for temperature). I think it's probably really low at the moment, as the eggs are just on my floor in a scarf with a desk lamp on them. I think I saw somewhere you can use a mist sprayer... Could I spray the scarf a little bit? Would that work? Me and my mum would really like at least one to hatch! It would be so sad to have nothing come of both the ducks' and my efforts!
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Do you have a thermometer you can put in with the eggs to check the temperature. the lamp being on them all the time instead of having a thermostat to turn it on and off could be too hot for them. For humidity you could put a wet face washer under the eggs. I think underneath would be better then on top in this case as the lamp could dry out the washer- drawing more moisture out of the eggs.

Its ok to candles every day I candle at least some of my eggs every day since I usually have at least two different groups in their at a time. But try not to handle them too much other than turning them .

Best of luck with the eggs- Im sure there will be many people on here wishing you all the best too and hoping along with you that at least some of these precious eggs will hatch.
I have tried to find one but amazingly we don't seem to have one and I don't know if it's worth buying one with only a week left and us probably not going to be hatching any more...? We have a strip thermometer which is better than nothing I guess, but it may only go up to 27 degrees Celcius which would be no good.. I've put it with the eggs anyway.

Okay, I'll do that with the cloth
Should it be touching the eggs or not touching? I was worried about water drawing bacteria into the eggs...

Yay for candling! I find it so amazing to see them moving around in there! Even my dad and sister who aren't too fond of the idea of more ducks think it's cool!

Aww thank you, I really hope they do
Fingers crossed I guess. What would happen in terms of the lockdown phase? Should I just leave them alone and not candle?
For lockdown I would stop turning try and make it as humid as you can in there and then no candeling and dont open the scarf, because that lets the humidity out! I just had my 5th hatch today!! Happy Hatchday little Teddy!
Okay thanks!
Ooh congratulations! I really want some!

Anyone else have any suggestions on how to improve the set-up? Should I put the eggs on top of the wet cloth touching it?
I didnt think the damp cloth would get too cold being underneath them - maybe its time to rethink your set up... Do you have some kind of container you can put the eggs and scarf etc in?? A foam esky would be brilliant- but even something plastic could help too. It will help to keep some of the heat in. Even a small cardboard box could be better than just having the eggs sitting there like that. I dont know exactly how high the temp would have to get continuously to cook the eggs- but you dont want to completely enclose the eggs in a box ( like in an incubator ) with no thermostat or you would be more likely to cook them. A little too cool and they may take a day or too longer to hatch- but too hot is more likely to kill them at this stage with the kind of set up you have.

Especially for "lockdown" the lamp is going to make it a very dry heat- when you need humidity.. I was thinking maybe something thinner than a face washer- something like a linen tea towel - dampened with hot water to start with- wring it out and it will stay warm for a little while- wrap the eggs in it and change it every few hours as it starts to dry out... I am really starting to scratch my head over what is really best. I ahev such a fantastic incubator I have never really had to think about a situation like this. Do you by any chance have an electric frypan?? At least they have a thermostat in them- and i have heard of people using them to hatch eggs before.
I've rearranged them a bit, so the eggs are on top of the cloth, with the scarf over them and the lamp shining on them. I'll see what they're like in a few hours then see if I need to change it.

We do have a plastic storage tub that could be used after a bit of a clean! We have a thermometer outside attatched to a bracket at the front of the house, though I'm not sure how reliable it is... If we unscrewed it maybe I could use that in the tub and then make a better set-up?

We don't have an electric frying pan!
Even if the thermometer from outside isnt 100% accurate... Its probably better than nothing at all. At least it will give you the general idea of they are around the right temp... As long as you keep seeing must be doing something right..
Yeah I think so, I'll speak to my dad and see if we can do that
Yeah that's what I've been thinking, if they're moving it's been okay so far. I'm just worried about the last few days, I really don't want them to fail at the last minute

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