egg is stuck inside skin and is hanging on the hens bottom

thanks for the post. i know we have been through alot. when it first happened my hubby said i dont want you to be upset if this goes bad with this chicken. i said the Lord can help her and change things. he said i know i hope He does but dont be upset if this goes bad. he though she would not make it and of course i did somewhat to because the first vet i took her to said if she lays the egg like that twicw she will more than likely keep doing it that way. she said my next option would be to have her put to sleep. when it happened the 2nd time and i called that vet it was 10 min before they closed she said you have 2 choices bring her up her and we can cut it out again or put her to sleep. i said i only have 10 min i dont know what to do mind you i am crying on the phone too. well you have to make a decision. it crossed my mind what she said about if she did it again i even ask her on the phone again about it she said yes. yall i came so close to having her put to sleep cause iknew she could not live like that. NOW LOOK i am so glad i didnt it would have been in vain. now my husband says its a miracle and i do to. i love my little rose bud. she is very special to me.
Oh, my! I have been watching this thread from afar, rooting for Rosey. I saw that picture, and I got so startled. I thought she had died! Thank goodness she is doing so well! You did a WONDERFUL job with your precious girl!
I am really glad to hear things are going so well for Rosie now. I can understand how you felt. We're new to raising chickens too (got our chicks in April) and we're so attached to them. Thank the Lord all is well!

P.S. My wife and I homeschool too. We just graduated our second son in June and we have one more, he's fourteen.

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