egg is stuck inside skin and is hanging on the hens bottom

the3ofus+oursixchicks :

scratch'n'peck :

Poor Daisey. Rosey's still the boss.

Taking her out in the less direct sunlight of the evening may be less likely to trigger ovulation and egg laying.

yes i am trying to keep her out of the direct sun. what time do you think i should take her out and bring her in? i would like to get on a schedule kinda with the light. i am waiting on the vet to call about when she can be out for good.​

Maybe you can take her out after 3 or 4 PM until dusk, unless the morning hours work better for you.​
yes they just called and he said to keep doing her like that with the light until about the 2nd week of nov. and then it should be fine. i would as k does that mean she wont lay any, or does that mean if she does lay any they will be ok. i dont really think he can answer those questions with a flat answer. he would prob. say we hope she doesnt or we hope they will come out right next time.
scratch'n'peck :

the3ofus+oursixchicks :

scratch'n'peck :

Poor Daisey. Rosey's still the boss.

Taking her out in the less direct sunlight of the evening may be less likely to trigger ovulation and egg laying.

yes i am trying to keep her out of the direct sun. what time do you think i should take her out and bring her in? i would like to get on a schedule kinda with the light. i am waiting on the vet to call about when she can be out for good.

Maybe you can take her out after 3 or 4 PM until dusk, unless the morning hours work better for you.​

either is pretty good unless something comes up. evening would prob be better for her though.​
i have called around to different vets here in alabama. one said that all their stuff on the inside is connected to the corace (i have no idea how to spell it) you all prob. know what it is. anyway he said he didnt know but he would look into how they are set up but that everything was connected to that. he is supposed to call back.
I lost my full sized hen last month, just got 2 bantam babies to carry on her legacy. However, I DID buy her a chicken diaper. Never got around to trying to figure out how to use it tho. You are welcome to it if you want it. It's for a full sized Barred Rock hen, so I think it would fit your girl. I'm sure it won't fit my 2 new bantam girls, so I have no use for it.

PM me if you want it, send me your address and I'll put it in the mail to you. I'll be glad it's getting use. And maybe your girl will end up being a house chicken

well i spent a few minutes with rosey before she went to bed and she was doing good as far as i can tell. she was making this long werrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr sound. i thought she was just talking to me. and i just checked on her and she seems ok. this has been a good day.
the3ofus+oursixchicks :

well i spent a few minutes with rosey before she went to bed and she was doing good as far as i can tell. she was making this long werrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr sound. i thought she was just talking to me. and i just checked on her and she seems ok. this has been a good day.


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