Egg issues after infectious bronchitis


Apr 27, 2023

My flock recently had Infectious Bronchitis run through it. Three out of five hens had their egg production impacted. I read it could take up to 8 weeks for things to return to normal but I’m worried about what they are currently laying. Very soft shelled and broken with yolk running everywhere or the composted of eggs all shriveled together. I read about soft shelled but this is beyond soft shelled.

I was worried about egg peritonitis but their poops are not looking tinged with yolk and overall they are eating and have energy.

My question is- is there anything I can do to help them recover from the malformed eggs? How worried should I be? Is this normal for birds that had IB and it will run its course?

They were initially put on Tylosin and I did 3 days. All respiratory issues have resolved within a week or so. We are now 4 weeks out from initial outbreak.

Any advice or experience is appreciated!
Calcium citrate with vitamin D3 600 mg each day given orally for the next week for a shell problem. If that doesn’t help, then it may be a problem with the shell gland and the IB virus. What are you feeding your flock? Are they mostly on a balanced layer feed with crushed oyster shell available in a separate container? Too many treats with dilute the benefits of the balanced feed.
Calcium citrate with vitamin D3 600 mg each day given orally for the next week for a shell problem. If that doesn’t help, then it may be a problem with the shell gland and the IB virus. What are you feeding your flock? Are they mostly on a balanced layer feed with crushed oyster shell available in a separate container? Too many treats with dilute the benefits of the balanced feed.
Thanks! I’ll get some and give it a try.

Right now they are in layer feed with oyster shell as free choice. I do treats in the evening consisting of soldier fly larvae and some scratch (about a handful or two for 5 birds).

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