Egg Knowledge


The Chickeneer
9 Years
Jun 2, 2010
El Dorado County, California
I know we're all of various ages and backgrounds here, but there's something I see on here I don't know how many times every single day, and I am curious as to why.

Here is the definition of yolk (as in, the yellow part of the egg):
yolk (yk)
a. The yellow, usually spherical portion of an egg of a bird or reptile, surrounded by the albumen and serving as nutriment for the developing young.
b. A corresponding portion of the egg of other animals, consisting of protein and fat that serve as the primary source of nourishment for the early embryo and protoplasmic substances from which the embryo develops.

Now, here's the definition of yoke:
yoke (yk)
a. A crossbar with two U-shaped pieces that encircle the necks of a pair of oxen or other draft animals working together.
b. pl. yoke or yokes A pair of draft animals, such as oxen, joined by a yoke.
c. A bar used with a double harness to connect the collar of each horse to the pole of a wagon or coach.
2. A frame designed to be carried across a person's shoulders with equal loads suspended from each end.
3. Nautical - A crossbar on a ship's rudder to which the steering cables are connected.
4. A clamp or vise that holds a machine part in place or controls its movement or that holds two such parts together.
5. A piece of a garment that is closely fitted, either around the neck and shoulders or at the hips, and from which an unfitted or gathered part of the garment is hung.
6. Something that connects or joins together; a bond or tie.

If you're gonna hatch eggs, you should know the difference between a yolk and a yoke.

It's not like "yolk" is a hard word to spell. We had it as a spelling word when I was in 2nd grade. If you're older than 7 or 8, you should know the difference between the two.

Just sayin'.

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