Larry in Hawaii
In the Brooder
Not sure if this is the proper place to post this, but I have a question about our layers. We have 26 hens (four older that have stopped laying) that are all the same age...two different breeds, black rocks & white leghorns. They started laying a few months ago and it's fun to watch the eggs become larger as time goes on. But the problem we seem to have is they only lay 10 - 14 eggs a day. From 22 layers, I would think some days there would be many more.
Nothing has changed since they started laying, they have plenty of room to sleep and play (not free ranged) and I feed the same food. So why not more daily eggs?
Thank you in advance
Nothing has changed since they started laying, they have plenty of room to sleep and play (not free ranged) and I feed the same food. So why not more daily eggs?
Thank you in advance